Chinese Sturgeon Park
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Chinese Sturgeon Park

Chinese Sturgeon

Chinese Sturgeon Park – Introduction of the Park

Chinese Sturgeon Park lies in the Jiangxin Island of Huangbo River in Wulin District of Yichang. It gets the name because there exhibits Chinese sturgeon (the first-grade protection animal of China). The park is one of the first national AAA- class attractions. The scenic spot covers an area of twenty thousand square meters. There are sturgeon museum, specimen museum, crocodile museum, tropic fish museum, aquarium, exhibiting hall, and cultivation workshop. In the park, the visitors can appreciate Chinese sturgeon with different dimensions, which has a good name "the panda in the water". At the same time, you can appreciate about 10 kinds of sturgeons from all over the world. And you can also see Alligator sinensis, Estuarine Crocodile, Chinese sucker, various tropic fish and the famous fishes in Yangtze River.

Chinese Sturgeon Park – Introduction of Chinese Sturgeon

Chinese sturgeon is an ancient living things existed together with dinosaurs. Valleys changed into plains and the dinosaurs died out in ten million years. However, the Chinese sturgeon has great vitality and lives to today, becoming the living fossil to study the fishes when the earth changed.

The exhibiting hall exhibits Chinese sturgeon and relative specimens. It is easy to distinguish the shape of Chinese sturgeon and the sturgeon of Yangtze River by its specimens. It is similar to the sturgeon of Yangtze River, only its figure smaller. The Chinese sturgeon is very long. The adult sturgeon is about 5 meters long; its weight more than several hundred kilograms, which can be called "king fish" in Yangtze River. The figure of Chinese sturgeon is like a hammer. And it has a tail, like a broom. There are five rows of allogeneic bones on his body, one at the back, two at the sides of body, two at the abdomen, resembling the armour of warriors. The white sturgeon has long "nose", and has no allogeneic bones. Therefore, isn't it easy to distinguish? In 1982, the Chinese sturgeon together with panda was rated the first-grade protection animal, praised as panda in the water.

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