“Fairies” from Ancient in Yangtze River History
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“Fairies” from Ancient in Yangtze River History

Fish in Yangtze River

In the Yangtze River history, there were many fish species ever lived in Yangtze River. As the changes of living environment, some fish species died out, while some of species changed themselves to adapt to the environment. As some of they only can adapt to the Yangtze River environment, they become Yangtze River peculiar fish species. When you take Yangtze Cruise to visit the Yangtze River, maybe you can see the Yangtze River peculiar fish species in your tourist.

"Fairies" from Ancient in Yangtze River History – Yangtze River Peculiar Species

The fishes, which only live in the Yangtze River, always change with the development of the Yangtze River. Their shape, living habits and multiply habits and some other features and habits are deeply carved with the Yangtze River natural features.

The special features of these fishes living in the Yangtze River composed of the biodiversity of the Yangtze River. As they are Yangtze River peculiar species, the biodiversity in the world also become richer. We should pay more attention to protect these peculiar species when we devote to protect species resources and biodiversity.

"Fairies" from Ancient in Yangtze River History – Biodiversity of the Yangtze River

The Yangtze River originated from the glacier of Geladandong Snow Mountain, converging over 700 branches, and passing by high mountains, gorges, basins, plains. As the topographical features of these areas are different, the climate differences are very obvious among these places which make the biological environment in Yangtze River various. In each special biological environment, there are rich fish species.

As early as billions years ago, there were many fish species lived in the ancient Yangtze River. In the formation process of the Yangtze River, many fish species died out for they couldn't adapt to the dramatic changes of the environment. But, most of these fish species changed themselves to adapt to the environment development, and formed today's rich fish resource in the Yangtze River. Among these fish species, some of them only can adapt to the special environment of the Yangtze River, so they only can be seen in the Yangtze River and become a peculiar fish species of Yangtze River or some branches. From these fish species, we can see the changes of the Yangtze River in the history.

"Fairies" from Ancient in Yangtze River History – Fish Species in Yangtze River

Among the 350 kinds fishes in the Yangtze River, including 140 kinds Yangtze River peculiar fish species. Among the 260 kinds of fish species in the upstream of Yangtze River, there are over 110 kinds of Yangtze River peculiar fish species. Some fish species, as for the long history, are valuable for history, culture, scientific research and economy. As resources of some fish species are depleting, they have aroused great concern. The representative species include paddlefish, sturgeon, mullet and some other fish species.

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